ADDRESS | Trg 25, 5292 Renče |
PHONE | +386 (0) 53/ 9 555 00 | | |
WORKING HOURS | Od 1. febr. do 1. dec. vsako 2. sredo med 18 in 19:00 (julija in avgusta uradnih ur ni) |
The RD Renče is young fishing family which began its independent journey anew in 2000; it manages all the fishing enivronment of Renče which includes the river Vipava (with tributaries) from the dam in Kasovlje (near settlement Potoče) to the state border with Italy and the reservoir Vogršček. The fishing environment runs through five municipalities and the members of the family come from all over Slovenia united by rich recreative fishing and beautiful nature surrounding the river Vipava and the reservoir Vogršček.